Executive Coaching & Leadership

About Us

Tipping Point Consulting Limited is a business transformation consulting firm focused on helping build high performing organizations and individuals. We are your strategic business enablement partner. We deliver high-value transformation services and technologies that help customers to become more efficient, reliable, agile , ultimately supporting their future business growth

How we see Coaching

How we see coaching

Coaching is Personal

Coaching is a collaborative process whereby a coach supports, guides, and challenges clients to reach their desired outcomes. This makes it personal.

This focus of coaching on personal growth and professional development can often make it resemble talk therapy, but it’s not. Instead, certified coaches focus on helping clients achieve goals, shift their perspectives, and drive overall self-improvement. This iterative progress towards positive growth and change is the real world.

This is because senior-level leaders in most organisations don’t become their best by copying a model described in a book or by attending one or two training events.

As they ascend the leadership ladder , successful leaders develop by working on and improving on the things that make them effective as leaders within the context of the challenges they face as leaders. This important process is too specific for off-the-shelf solutions or programs , instead it calls for a tailor made approach.

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Natalia Duke

(Chairman and founder)

Coaching is Personal

Coaching is about Behaviour Change.

How we see coaching

Coaching is about Behaviour Change.

Changing behaviour is really hard for everyone, including leaders. Increasingly organisations are realising that traditional in-classroom training is not enough and often fails to drive sustained behaviour change.

Research shows that learning is a process that is active; builds on prior knowledge; occurs in a complex social environment; is situated in an authentic context; and requires learners’ motivation and cognitive engagement. Corporate training alone, fails to convert knowledge retention to sustained behaviour change for leaders because knowledge retention is not enough to make leaders want to use what is stored in their brains. They simply cant remember everything.

Coaching drives better success at behaviour change because its rooted in behavioural science and seeks to change leaders routines and developing situations, wherein the leader examines the discrepancy between their current behaviour and future goals and facilitating exploration of leaders behaviours, values, attitudes, perceptions and beliefs. By working with leaders to collaboratively explore their innermost motives, emotions and actions , coaching helps leaders introspect and make significant changes in their behaviours.

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Natalia Duke

(Chairman and founder)
How we see coaching

Coaching is Systematic

It is critical that coaching delivers value not just for the leader but also to their teams, other stakeholders, and the organization as a whole.

This interdependent relationship approach whereby the coach co-creates with the leader ; the insights needed for a positive benefit to the leader , and the inter-related systems that they are a part of ; is a hallmark of our approach at TPCL . it’s an approach that helps address the organisational health of a system in order to strengthen the impact of the business and its people.

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Call to ask any question 540-325-1523

Natalia Duke

(Chairman and founder)

Coaching is Systematic

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We draw on our global coaching network to assemble a team of experts

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