Executive Coaching & Leadership

High Performance Coaching

Sometimes an intensive executive coaching intervention is needed by organisations in order to help an executive in quickly adjusting behaviour to accommodate a promotion or a shift in role, culture or strategy.

Some other situations that this occurs could be:

When a new role is created or available to fill gaps in succession planning/staffing
Internal promotion is preferred due to high recruitment costs
Post organisational change , leads to a need for new leadership competencies.
A performing senior leader needing to quickly change behaviour or demonstrate different strengths.

TPCL uses an intensive approach that places dedicated coaches with the executive and uses various assessment tools ,feedback, role playing and scenario planning to dramatically improve the leaders self-awareness and rapidly empower them towards the desired change . This is followed by an ongoing coaching intervention for an agreed timeline to sustain gains, and the development of new behaviours and additional skills.


View our 2020 Executive Coaching prospectus brochure for an easy-to-read guide on all of the services offered.